Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Drawing portrait using charcoal 11Aug

A charcoal stick.

Ms Ng demostrating how to use charcoal to draw portrait and told us to use the time given to draw properly.First, start with shapes and then go into the detail at last.

When given 8 minutes, i can almost finish the drawing in a slow and comfortable pace.

As the time given gets lesser, I will draw faster in order to finish the drawing. Hence all of my drawings are all in shape except for those that the time is not enough, i did not get the chance to finish drawing the face and some details.

This is drawn by Ms Ng and i think the details of the hair is very nice, the light and dark parts. However there is not enough time to finish off the face and uniform.

Charcoal drawings:

I think the lines created by charcoal is very random but it is very nice.Hence i went to look at some charcoal drawings.

I think charcoal is really suitable for drawing hair.

The blur look also looks nice.

Charcoal can also used to draw detailed drawing and it is really amazing.

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